Friday, August 31, 2007


Well it is time for the Walworth County Fair so that is our official end of summer. I went with Beth yesterday and had a great time sharing treats and viewing exhibits. We had great weather and they managed to get the standing water drained so no mud holes. I must say it was very enjoyable. Now for the day after, my feet are having a hangover. I will be enjoying the sounds and smells of the fair from home today which is just fine with me. As I check out my summer accomplishments I must say I/Ed was very productive this summer. I start the project and Ed finishes it. We painted the living room/entry/hall less the trim. We are going to replace some of the trim so we are painting as we go. We got our new retaining wall done, which only required $$ and not our labor, and we cap it off with trips over to the fair for music and food. Tonight it is the Beach Boys and Ed and Amy will take in that concert. Ed has been on vacation all week and has enjoyed may hours of sawdust and a few of mowing. Otherwise it is ER, and Bonanza when he takes a break. So hope you have all had a great summer and have an even better fall. For those going back to school good luck with all the new opportunities. Never let a good opportunity pass you by. Brenda started school last week and it seems to be just the perfect choice for her as she has already found a job in an Assisted Living Home. She is going to Gateway for her CNA and is getting her CBRF for her Assisted living job. Thing always seem to happen for a reason. She was abruptly done with her job on a Tuesday and within 24 hours had 2 new ones. God sure was taking care of her and for that I am grateful. So may you all have the hand of God on your shoulder as you proceed into the fall and for those of you having babies may God have his hand on your belly also. Lets here summer and back to school stories, etc. Julie

Sunday, August 26, 2007

O' Happy Days!

Happy birthday Grandma & Meaghan! It was a beautiful sunny Sunday to be celebrating your birthdays! We hope you had a wonderful day!

And a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Mom & Dad! Tomorrow will be 30 years. It's not going to be 96 degrees in the shade, but it's going to be just as sunny! Your 30 years have shaped Amy, Greg, Brenda & I into who we are, and we are so blessed to have you. (Not to mention the countless rootbeer float bars and whoopie pies our friends consumed in their times of needs too!)

We love you and wish you a superb anniversary! XOXOXO!

Monday, August 20, 2007

February 10th!

That is the projected date for #4 to arrive! We were a little supprised at first, but we are very happy about having another blessing to love.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

My Trip to CA to see my sister Audrey!

by Noah Gregory

I got to fly to CA from MPS by myself! The flight was kind of long and boring, but I was excited to get there to see Audrey. Once we got together we drove to Audrey's new home. We put my bags in her apartment then went to subway to get something to eat. But, guess what - she locked us out of her apartment and car!!!!!! We had to walk to her old work to get extra keys from her roommate. But, guess what?!? Her roommate wasn't there!!!!

We walked back to her home and Audrey and had to break into her house by climbing into her roommates balacony. She climb some balacany bars, jumped a wall and she broke into her own apartment without the cops being called!

Later in the week we went to the beach. Here is a picture of us!!!

I might tell more later. Bye.


First Hair Cut

Oliver had his first hair cut last night by my friend Elisha.

before hair cut

during the hair cut

after hair cut.

Aren’t I handsome?

Friday, August 10, 2007

The Great Birthday Extravaganza!

Okay everybody, it's that time of the year again! Sun Prarie Cornfest is next weekend! Grandma has offered to have a gathering at her house to celebrate you know what... Corn! No really, it would be a great time to get together for some wonderful family time like we used to do every month for birthdays. So to celebrate Uncle Vince's birthday, Meaghan's & Grandma's birthday, let's get together at Grandma's house!

If you're in, e-mail and tell her what you are hungry for... a.k.a. what you would like someone to make for a dish to pass.

Aunt Rita, if you are off work next Sundayand able to attend, could you please, please bring taco dip?

Hope to see you all there! Have a wonderful weekend! Lots of Love!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Well today is Vince's birthday and in his honor I have researched a little John Wayne trivia. One of the most frequently asked trivia questions about John Wayne is, "In how many films did his character die?" The answer is a little more complicated than it may appear, because no one really knows how many films The Duke made. Estimates vary anywhere between 200 and 300, and many of his earliest films have been lost, so it is impossible to know an exact answer to the question. There are those who would dispute the inclusion of this film because Wayne's character doesn't actually die in the course of the film -- he is already dead before the film begins. The movie begins with Wayne's funeral and is told in an extended flashback.
So with that Happy Birthday Vince!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

the missing tooth

Justin pulled out his first tooth yesterday, he thought that was pretty cool. Justin says I have to say that he pulled it out while watching a show about sharks.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Happy Trails

Well Diane I agree we need to get more people blogging, but I am totally enjoying the conversations we are already having. I have dedicated myself to taking my health into my hands and not letting the doctors have control. 2007 has proven to be the year I have had the endurance and support to get the ball moving in the right direction. This blog has become a very important part of my motivation. I get to hear stories and thoughts from those who are the most important in my life (family) and have always been my driving force. I don't think there are words to explain how we feed off each others strengths and how we are more able to achieve our goals with that strength.
NOW for the story of a well loved couch. There is a couch out there now living at 317 Windsor Street, Sun Prairie that has a lot of secrets buried in its cushions. Vince and Kelly bought it when they were first married, a beautiful taupe pit group with recliners on the ends and a hide-a-bed in the middle. When we first started to go to Schwans banquets we would leave our kids at Vince and Kellys for the overnight. We have many pictures of Kelly and kids snuggling on the hide-a-bed making many warm memories. Then as time went on The Reindls replaced the pit with a nice leather grouping and very kindly passed on the memory couch to the Doucettes for their living room group. Doucettes eventually put it in the family room. There have been many sleepovers with all our kids through the years and through high school many kids crashed here. So many stories have been told on that couch and many secrets have been shared. Now with our reorganization of our house with no live in children we asked if the Reindls had any use for the couch. Well as luck would have it they were in need of a couch for their man room in the basement. That couch is still in pretty good shape and I am so happy it get to absorb more history. I was a pretty amazing evening when Vince, Meaghan, and Nick came with a trailer to move the couch home. Ed and Bill were here to lend a hand for the heavy pieces and all loaded up, off they went into the dark of night with the couch. Happy Trails and many more memories to be had. Have a great weekend. Love, Julie

Friday, August 3, 2007

I just realized

I used to drive UNDER 35W every day home from work when I worked in Eagan. And just about that time of day as well. Another good thing about not working there any more.

And I also just wanted to say I think we need to get more people blogging. It's easy and fun. I love to read about what's happening.

And I've been giving it some thought about the "fear" question. I remember when I had the revelation that I had more fears than I ever acknowledged. I think we can deny most of our fears because we just avoid the situations that make us fearful. If you start to think about those times, it's amazing how we go through life seeking comfort rather than facing our fears and overcoming them. So often, are fears are based on an overactive imagination, imagining the worst, also known as False Evidence Appearing Real. Just because you don't go around with constant anxiety doesn't mean you don't have fears. It could just mean you avoid a lot of life because it isn't comfortable.

Anyhow, I don't know about biggest fear, but I do know I hate to feel stupid and try to avoid that at all cost. This means I don't always ask questions when it would be the simplest way to find out something. I'll research it first - go online, get a book, etc. Even though I can laugh at myself, I still know there are times when this inhibits my growth - and I'm working on it. It's a great experiment to ask a certain number of questions every day - just for practice - even if I think I know the answer. I know it doesn't sound like a big risk, but hey, it's progress.

And I know I have other fears, but since I'm the first to reveal, I thought I'd start small. I'll see what others come up with and see if I can add to my list. Fear is so illogical and emotion based and acknowledging that you have fears is probably the only way to overcome them. Great question Scott. Now, let's hear from the rest of y'all.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Minneapolis Folks are OK

Hi All.
Just wanted to let you know we're all OK up here. Ken, Quincy, Weston and I were at my company picnic when the bridge collapsed. The caterer received a phone call and came over to tell me about it. Cameo was at church and Amber, I believe, was at home.

As far as I know, no one I know was near the disaster. It's a very sad situation but always something good comes out of these situations. I've already heard stories of strangers helping strangers and risking their lives for others. As time unfolds, we'll start to hear more of these.
I think there's always lessons to be learned and with the right perspective, you can see how one can take a mess and make a message out of it (something our pastor highly promotes). Given any circumstance, you can see God's hand in it if you try. As the caterer said, if you're the praying type, now is the time. Many need our prayers for - those who've lost someone, those who are still in critical condition, the people who need to determine what happened and why, etc.

It's always nice to get messages - like the voicemail I got from Julie and the text message I got from Amber - making sure I was OK. It's a great reminder to count your blessings - starting with the people we love. I think that's one thing we've all learned from Mom and Dad. When you take time to practice gratitude, it'll change your perspective in a hurry. 'Nough said.

Love you all ! !
Love the blog - everybody gets a gold star!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What are you afraid of?

What is your biggest fear, not your biggest phobia?

My biggest fear was not finding my true love (good thing I overcame that fear!)
My biggest phobia is ... snakes or Ophidiophobi (

And yours ...............