Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Call Me - Email Me

your ideas for Christmas



Sunday, March 21, 2010

Christmas in DECEMBER

Not exactly a novel idea, but what the hey! For a while there, in case you didn't know, we were considering Christmas in July - or August - or a warm summer month. But after much hoo-haa, we decided we'd celebrate the week BEFORE Christmas.

Save the Date - Saturday, December 18, 2010

More details to follow.

In the meantime, I'm gathering ideas for gift exchange or other type of activity so if you have one, let me know. I will share them on this blog in coming months along with a few of my own.

I am continually impressed with the generosity and awesomeness of our family. Let loose with your ideas so we can make this Christmas get-together a memorable event for everyone.

I'll be waiting with bated breath to hear from each and every one of you.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Globe Theater - Kalamazoo, MI

Quick little blog to let you all know Scott, Noah and I attended the "soft" opening of Rob's club in Kalamazoo last weekend. It is called the Globe Theater. We had a blast! They had an 80s party with the music videos playing on 2 big screens. The costumes people wore were hilarious. Wow! That brought back memories :) The remodel looks amazing. I wish I had pictures, but I forgot to bring my camera. Next time I'll remember. I'm so proud of all the hard work and long hours Rob has put into this, and I know it will be a great success.

Have a Great Day Everyone!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Paper Thief!

I have a laugh for all those who remember how much I like to eat paper(yep I still like to eat paper). I am doing my Friday cleaning and smelling some good clean laundry. I was folding a load of clean clothes and counting my blessings -one sock at a time- and had thought the hamper was protecting the toilet paper from my paper thief. Low and behold I go to put the basket away and as you can see it did not work. My dog loves toilet paper and there are times it goes all the way down the hall and behind the couch. I guess it was meant to be that I would get a dog with need to eat paper. ENJOY THE LAUGH AND ENJOY THE DAY ESPECIALLY YOU MONICA!

Love to all, Julie