First Picture is at Brenda and Brian's. Don't you just want to eat those little cheeks of Liam's? He is such a solid and happy little guy. I just wanted to share a few of our sweet cheeky moments. The picture with the blocks on Ashlynn's hair is like my kids when they were little (Yes I saved the blocks just for a moment like this). No Ashlynn doesn't need glasses but she wanted to "try on Grandmas' necklace". She loves the necklace (eyeglass chain) Aunt Dawn made. She always says OHHH Pretty when she sees beaded jewelery. Have a cool week!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
More Pinchable Cheeks!
First Picture is at Brenda and Brian's. Don't you just want to eat those little cheeks of Liam's? He is such a solid and happy little guy. I just wanted to share a few of our sweet cheeky moments. The picture with the blocks on Ashlynn's hair is like my kids when they were little (Yes I saved the blocks just for a moment like this). No Ashlynn doesn't need glasses but she wanted to "try on Grandmas' necklace". She loves the necklace (eyeglass chain) Aunt Dawn made. She always says OHHH Pretty when she sees beaded jewelery. Have a cool week!
Posted by Julie at 2:48 PM 2 endearing comments
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Hey everyone...sorry that I have been incognito these last few months. It has been a long few months of many unhappy times. The positives have peeked their faces in there as well. Jayson and I are still going strong after celebrating our 1 year on July 4th.
As I am sure my dad has told some of you, I am due to have a second angel enter my life on September 10th, 2010. Being this little one decided to be shy in the gender ultrasound, another one is scheduled for August 6th. If it's a boy, we will be naming him Preston Edward Gaul. If it's a girl, we will be naming her Kylee Chevelle Gaul.
Dylan and this new addition to my life have been my glue and without them, I probably would have lost it. Dylan is soo big now, weighing in at 34lbs 10 ounces and being 36 1/2 inches tall! He is talking full sentences and watching him grow up has been a joy! He is starting a day care school next week and it is so hard for me because of how independent he is being.
As of June, I am in my last year of online college, at which time I will have my Associates in Health Administration. I have been focusing my degree more towards the medical records side. I wasn't sure if anybody was interested, but my baby shower is scheduled for:
Sunday August 22nd, 2010 at 1pm
144 W. Second Street
Leaf River, IL 61047
I would love to share the experience with you. If anybody wants to attend just RSVP by August 10th. My email is still the same. and my phone number is 815-543-0082.
If you would like to send a card or anything, they can be sent to
117 N. Main Street
P.O. Box 95
Leaf River, IL 61047
We are registered at or
You can find the registry under Casandra Mahlum or Jayson Gaul
I miss everyone so much and cannot wait to see everyone at Audrey's wedding and the Christmas party! Well, I am at work right now, so I better get back to earning my money :)
Posted by caseyndylan at 7:07 PM 0 endearing comments
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Overwhelmed with gratitude and It was a great day!
It's almost 11:00 and I'm going to bed soon. We've been up since 4 am and it was a kind of long day. But before I turn in I wanted to say thank you to everyone for their prayers, thoughts, love and support. It is overwhelming when I read the posts, my emails and talk to people. Their are so many people saying prayers and I know God hears them all. He gave us a great outcome today. The surgery went well. It took about 2 hours and then 1 hour of recovery before we could see Bill. When we got to his room, he was already feeling pretty good. He talked to Dad, Rita and I without even napping. I picked up Lexi and brought her back down. Then in the evening, Mike and Pam came up and Bill stayed up and talked to them until about 9 o'clock. While they were there, he ate tomato soup, bread and lime sherbert without any problems. He also was quite a smart alec all day. That's how I really know he's feeling better :). After Mike & Pam left, he went for a walk down the hall. Then the nurse came and stopped the IV. She said he is the best post op patient ever. I can't tell you how great it feels to see him feeling better. It's really quite overwhelming, in a good way! Lexi and I left around 9:45 so he can get some sleep. I know all of us will be sleeping with a smile on our faces tonight! We so appreciate all of the prayers. They mean so much to us. Please keep it up as we continue on this journey. Next Wednesday we are going down to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Zion, IL. We will meet with their doctors as well as their nutritionist and naturopathic doctor. I'm sure the treatment will involve some aggressive chemo but they will also work with us on helping the body heal itself. We are optomistic that with medicine, nutrition, positive attitude and, most of all, prayer we can beat this. Thank you all again and God Bless each and every one of you. We love you! Good night.
Posted by Monica and Bill at 10:52 PM 2 endearing comments
From the Tennie Newsroom
Bill had surgery today for a colostomy. The surgery to remove the cancerous tissue will be done at later date after the next round of chemo. The colostomy will relieve the discomfort he has been experiencing, which has been quite intense and somewhat debilitating at times. The surgery was successful, and Bill is looking better already. He will be in the hospital for a couple more days, and then he gets to go home. Thank you all for your continued prayers, they are working. The support has been so amazing, and in and of itself is great medicine for the mind, body and soul.
But . . .don’t stop because you’re job’s not over yet. Now he will start the next course of treatment, which will include chemotherapy. After their visit to Cancer Treatment Centers of America next week, I am confident they will have a complete and thorough treatment plan. We’ll keep you posted. Thank you all again. We are blessed, so very blessed, to have such wonderful family, friends, and some complete strangers standing by and being so supportive.
God Bless,
P.S. Don't forget to RSVP :)
Posted by JenniLynn at 5:20 PM 0 endearing comments
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Two Things - at least
First - Bill is having surgery tomorrow, so please say an extra prayer.
Second - Amy - I love your garden! Thanks for sharing. Who made the raised beds, because they look great.
Third (I knew there was something else) If you haven't RSVP'd for Audrey's and Rob's wedding yet, please do so. Also, if you haven't booked your room yet, don't forget. They hold that rate and the block until July 20.
Let me know if you have questions about anything wedding related. Don't ask me questions about gardening, because I'm best at growing weeds.
Love you All,
Posted by JenniLynn at 2:51 PM 2 endearing comments