Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wedding Pictures!!

Alright everyone for those of you that would like to look at the wedding pictures here is the link...

Hope you like them!
Here is a preview

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good News :)

Just wanted to drop a note and let you know we got some good news for Bill yesterday. They do a blood test that they call CEA or tumor markers. The lower the number the better. When we first went to CTCA in July the number was 16. When they tested it in mid-August after the first chemo it was up to 25. When they checked it yesterday it was down to 9 This is an indication that the chemo is working!!! Praise God!!! They’ll do the test again in mid-Oct and then do scans at the end of October. I’m sure it will show great things. We feel so blessed. Keep up the prayers.
Love you all,

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Hi all! Just talked to Bill and he told me Preston was born this afternoon. I know he was 8#s something, but cannot remember all the specifics. Mom and baby are doing fine. I will let Cassie post all the real details later. ENJOY THE COOL WEATHER!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Just wanted to thanks everyone for coming to our wedding! Family support means a lot even if we can't sit and visit with everyone. Hope everyone had a great time. We had an amazing time in Aruba on our honeymoon. We LOVE traveling! Here are some pictures for ya. The professional ones with the 8 kids and Grandma and Grandpa should be done in two weeks and she will have them on a website where you can go and purchase whatever ones you want. I think she got some good ones of Ashlynn dancing too. On another note my mama is right I do need those RSVP's for Kim's baby shower so I can start getting stuff together. You can see her post below to know where to RSVP. Thanks! May the Lord Bless your day!

Friday, September 3, 2010


Just checking to make sure everyone has RSVPd for Kimberly's baby shower on Sept 18th. If you have not received your invite, please let me know. Otherwise, please RSVP ASAP either here or to Audrey @ or 310-743-4886 or on fb.

Now - have a GREAT holiday weekend!
