Wednesday, February 16, 2011


What wonderful weather we are having. I have been for many walks these last few days, complements of Lucy, and I LOVED it. I have been waiting for the ice to melt so we could walk and walk and walk.

Lucy gets tired after we walk through the mud and then she needs a mini bath.

I have been surprised 3 times in the last few weeks with phone call from family members I don't talk too often enough. Today I was thinking how often I send a message online but don't pick up the phone. I thought how Mom and Dad must feel if they get fewer calls because we are all keeping in touch via the Internet. I guess maybe the warm feeling I got from my phone calls made me think of calling Mom and Dad more for no reason but to say HI. So if you have time give someone a call and say Hi you might just make their day.
Have a great week!
Love, Julie

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ayden Singing

I just had to share this video of Ayden singing along with his giraffe. I hope it works!

Have a GREAT Day! Love you All!