Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Goodmorning All!

I had a few spare minutes this morning so I Just wanted to update everyone on life in Burlington! The chaoticness of the past week has settled. We are finally at home as a family and some downtime has hit us! :) Ashlynn is doing wonderful, she has been a really good baby, eats great and sleeps well! Brian and I fall in love with her more and more each day (even when she is occasionally crying!) I truely can not put into words what it feels like to be a mother. It's incredible. Well i'm not going to make this too long but I will attach some pictures. :D Hope all is well with everyone.

Love- Brenda

3 endearing comments:

Julie said...

Aww! Thanks for the pictures. Love, Love, Love them. Give her a kiss for me. Grandma

JenniLynn said...

I LOVE the pics. Thanks for sharing them. She is soooooo adorable. I can't wait to meet her!
Aunt Rita

Sparkle Queen said...

Heard my precious little peanut had a terrific check up today! So wonderful to hear. Glad you and Brian are have so much success at building your "new sleep patterns." LOL

Love you all,