Saturday, October 20, 2007

Catching Up

Happy Weekending everybody! I hope all are doing well. It's feeling like fall yet here in SE Wisconsin we still don't have any color... at least not at my house. You would think the trees would be changing pretty soon though. So if anybody else has fall color, can you please take a picture and share it?

Noah, hope you're arm is feeling better... I don't think I could have been as much of a trooper as you were... I'd have run the other direction if I saw the mid-evil contraption they put you in! That's the way to take one for the team! :)

I have nothing new to report around here. Just had a couple of birthdays, working at getting the flower beds ready for winter, etc. We just wanted to see what else is new with everybody else!

Love to everybody!

Dawn & Chris

P.S. Carissa, do you have any adorable baby pictures of Diesel yet? We dog people are anxiously waiting to see your new addition!

1 endearing comments:

JenniLynn said...

Thanks for the update! I don't care if it's just the same old thing, I like to know what's going on. Noah is doing great! He doesn't complain at all, even though I know he really wants to straighten out his arm. By the way, his cast is now purple!!
Love Aunt Rita