Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Well, we made it! We flew in to Phoenix on the 4th (originally we thought we'd drive, but it worked out for us to fly, which was much more comfy) We are getting used to our surroundings and enjoying the sun. Right now we are in temporary housing, waiting for the house in NC to sell. we'll be here until the baby comes and hopefully in the new house in March. We've found the house that we want to buy, it has a giant back yard! Ask Mom for our new contact info. I'll be sending a Christmas/baby announcement/change of address letter sometime in feb. Here's a pic of the kids in their new jammies, Thanks Grandma!

1 endearing comments:

Sparkle Queen said...

Aww, the kids look so adorable. Glad you had a safe trip out there. I must say, you are living in a beautiful area. We were there for just 4 days last weekend and were so at peace.

Enjoy the beautiful sunsets... they're nothing like we see here in WI!

Love & Happy New Year to all!
