Saturday, March 29, 2008

Photo Update

Hello, Everybody

I was talking to Aunt Julie today, and I decided I am making time to post on here, since I've been isolated from the outside world with the Chicken Pox, making time isn't that hard to do. That's right, Emily had them a couple of weeks ago and now I've got them. but, I'm trying to count my blessings because I could've gotten them a couple of weeks later and then I'd really be in trouble with the MATC Portfolio Show where I'd really need to look nice (not like I've got a bad BAD case of Acne).

On the more positive side, I've finally decided on a name for the new addition to my busy life. "Life Photography by MaryBeth" is the name, a website will be up and running soon. And yes, I have a print price list available for those of you that would like really good quality prints of Christmas photos.

Happy Birthday to Mom (Mae)!


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