Monday, May 31, 2010

Get a Clue

or rather - give me a clue, or two!

I have only received one person's clue for the 2010 Christmas Crossword. (Thanks Amy for your prompt response. I wish I could reward you with a Hawaiian vacation. How about some macadamia caramels instead? Let me know.) That leaves about 60 some others.

I'll keep reminding you but it really can't be that hard. Just a quick email with a little info about yourself - your favorite whatever or a little known item . . . .

You have the easy part - I have to make it into a workable crossword. I know! I'll give you a deadline!

Your clues are due by August 1st. After that all bets are off. I'll be making up stuff about you! Take that!

I'll be waiting to hear from you all soon.

4 endearing comments:

Sparkle Queen said...

Now that's funny! I'd love to see the stories your wonderful creative mind comes up with! Tee hee!

Hope your Memorial Day is Wonderful!

Love you!

Amy said...

Macadamia caramels sound wonderful. My mouth is watering just thinking about them. Thank you Aunt Diane.

Julie said...

Oh Amy you will share won't you? (with your Dad of course) Dawn got caramels and told me about them and how yummy they are, but did she share any NOOOOO. LOL
Diane it is so funny that you are going to keep pestering, reminding and pleading with everyone to get in their clues. You are such a laid back person it is hard for me to see you as a pesterer.
Everyone do it NOW and you can check it off your to do list!

Diane said...

I love reading your comments.

And I'll get to making those caramels here right quick, Amy.

I like the word "cajole" to describe what I aim to do. Sounds much better than pester. But whatever you call it, I'm a gonna do it. I feel a slight peeling of the laid back layer sliding off me to reveal the new "get 'er done" me! Watch out world....