Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I hope you are all ready or almost ready for the big weekend. I took a walk and tried to plan the order for my Christmas brunch food prep. It is a beautiful day for a crisp walk in the sun and fresh air. Great day for counting my blessings.
I thanked God for each and every one of you and asked him to bring health and happiness to all in the new year. You are all Blessings to me and I wish you a Christmas season full of wonderment and memories.
Should you find time in your busy schedule feel free to write a special tradition you try to have each Christmas. My simple tradition is Bing Crosby "White Christmas" movie.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

1 endearing comments:

JenniLynn said...

Church on Christmas Eve and then head to Mom's & Dad's (aka Grandma and Grandpa) for oyster stew (yes I actually eat that now) and beef stew. That warms me up inside and out.

breaks over - gotta go!