Saturday, July 31, 2010

More Pinchable Cheeks!

First Picture is at Brenda and Brian's. Don't you just want to eat those little cheeks of Liam's? He is such a solid and happy little guy. I just wanted to share a few of our sweet cheeky moments. The picture with the blocks on Ashlynn's hair is like my kids when they were little (Yes I saved the blocks just for a moment like this). No Ashlynn doesn't need glasses but she wanted to "try on Grandmas' necklace". She loves the necklace (eyeglass chain) Aunt Dawn made. She always says OHHH Pretty when she sees beaded jewelery. Have a cool week!
Oh and one more thing. I tried a new add on to my brownies today. I added BLUEBERRIES!
If i must say so myself it tasted awesome, just ask Dawn. ;o).

2 endearing comments:

Dawn Doucette said...

Okay... brownies... what brownies? Is that a crumb on Chris' chin... ummm, maybe. Yes, I'm quite positive the 4 brownies I brought home were eviscerated into thin air by aliens from another planet. They never made it to my kitchen... swear!

Love you!

JenniLynn said...

you put blueberries in the brownies? That's very interesting. I love blueberries and I love chocolate, so that works for me.

Thanks for sharing the adorable photos. They are a never-ending source of entertainment :)
Love Ya