Thursday, December 3, 2009

Laugh With Me

I am having a very stress filled morning. I have been trying to get people to quit thinking I'm just another dumb woman. Ed has kindly stepped in for the automotive issue and I have become the support person. I however am dealing with the health insurance issue. Well after hearing a cute Ashlynn story Brenda said you sound tired go have a cup of coffee. I told her I already had 2 cups maybe I should eat something. After agreeing to eat some blueberries and yogurt I went to the kitchen. I found my 2 cups (yes different cups) sitting there full waiting for me. One was next to the fridge and one was on the table. I cannot believe that I poured 2 cups of coffee and thought I had drank them. Oh well that is what all you younguns have to look forward to. Now I am off to drink a cup of coffee. Have a good day all!
P.S. The Ashlynn sotry is that she came up to Brenda and said " nap mama" because she was tired. So she went down for a nap. How lucky she is to get 2 naps a day. I bet she doesn't forget to drink her milk.

1 endearing comments:

Dawn Doucette said...

Okay, I'm still laughing. This is the 2nd time I've read through that post and I crack up every time!

Hey, look on the bright side... tomorrow will be better. Simply because I can't see you getting out 3 cups for coffee... Maybe we need to invent a new thingy... a coffee cup leash. It's like the beer hat with two straws that go to your mouth... this is a soft sided sippy cup that you can wear like a necklace... LOL

Love you mom!