Monday, November 12, 2007

Message from Jeff

Good Morning Everybody! I just wanted to share an e-mail Uncle Jeff sent out looking for feedback and participation from everybody about our Christmas party this year. Just in case he doesn't have your current e-mail address, I want everybody to be able to voice their thoughts!

Have a wonderful week everybody!

From Uncle Jeff

Hello Everyone -

Okay, so I was trying to think of what we should do for Christmas as far as the gift exchange or what-have-you and I thought I would see who would be interested in trying the Letter Exchange that Monica initiated last year.

SOOOO... I'm going to get my head into getting the details for the party straightened out this weekend and I'll send a more comprehensive email by next week, for now something for all y'all to think about over the weekend, and hopefully send me an email back next week, is:

'Do you, or the others in your family, want to try the Letter Exchange this year, and if so, would you like to do it as a couple, if applicable, or individually?'
Let me know. Talk to you soon.


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