Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Poll

How about? Why do some people choose not to blog? If I could make improvements to get more people blogging I would love to make the conversation grow. Enjoy your day!
One more question to Rita, 'What did you have to drink at the movie?'
Answer in my email if it will get you in trouble to answer here, and let everyone wonder. LOL Love, Julie

1 endearing comments:

JenniLynn said...

OK, so Scott and I haven't gone out on New Year's Eve since before Noah was born. So, I guess we were feeling kinda young and irresponsible again.

Anyhow, we snuck two of those airplane-size bottles of brandy into the theater and made ourselves Brandy and Diet Pepsi drinks to have with our popcorn.

The movie would have been funny either way. I kind of felt like I was 17 again. Completely immature, but yet fun. Actually, at 17, I probably would have snuck in a pint of brandy.

Anyhow, thank you Scott for making me share my regression with everyone.

I will now say 10 Hail Mary's and vow to try not to do that again.